Five Things You Need to Do on Your New Laptop

Five Things You Need to Do on Your New Laptop

Getting a new laptop can be very exciting. It guarantees a more seamless user experience with faster speed, more memory, and better battery life. But it’s all for naught if you don’t take certain preventive steps before using your new machine. Discover five things you...
How to Move Files from Android to PC or Mac

How to Move Files from Android to PC or Mac

If you’re that somebody today wondering how to transfer your files from your Android phone to your computer, here is how you do it: What you need: Your Android phone A computer with a USB port A USB cable What you need to do: If you have a Windows computer… Start by...
Outlook on Mac and Windows Gets Redesigned

Outlook on Mac and Windows Gets Redesigned

Microsoft is redesigning Outlook for Mac and Windows to reduce clutter and improve user experience. The design changes will be patterned after the iOS version of the app. This will make it much easier to use and more modern-looking than its desktop counterpart. If you...
Apple iOS 11: A Focus on Enterprise Users

Apple iOS 11: A Focus on Enterprise Users

The iPad was originally created for individual consumers even though it was later adopted as a viable productivity tool. After several functionality and style changes, Apple has finally released an iPad that could rival the PC: the iPad Pro. The latest update in...
Top Six Mac Security Tips and Tricks

Top Six Mac Security Tips and Tricks

Although well aware of its importance, users still overlook Mac security. This might be excusable if you’re using your device just to watch cooking shows or to experiment with PhotoBooth, but not if it’s being used in day-to-day business operations. Deter internal and...