Tech Support Scam Alarms Chrome Users

Tech Support Scam Alarms Chrome Users

With evolving technology comes evolving threats. Recently, a researcher revealed that a new type of scam freezes Google Chrome. It also tricks users into believing that their network security has been compromised. Little did they know that following instructions...
What You Need to Learn About Cryptojacking

What You Need to Learn About Cryptojacking

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Monero are so popular because they’re secure and potentially worth thousands of dollars. But investors and consumers aren’t the only ones interested in them. Hackers are using malicious tactics to steal cryptocurrency, and they’re...
New Locky Ransomware: What You need to Know

New Locky Ransomware: What You need to Know

In 2016, the Locky ransomware infected millions of users with a Microsoft Word file. It was eventually contained. From then on, cybersecurity firms have since created protections to detect and block previous Locky variants. However, a similar malware is currently...
Ransomware is Coming to Your Android!

Ransomware is Coming to Your Android!

Traditional ransomware like WannaCry has been explained a thousand ways on a thousand blogs. But one thing you may not have thought about is what ransomware on your Android device would trigger. Read on to learn more. How does ransomware make it onto your Android...
OSX.Dok: The Old Mac Malware Gets a Facelift

OSX.Dok: The Old Mac Malware Gets a Facelift

In yet another sign that Apple computers are no longer being ignored by hackers, a successful piece of Windows-based malware has been rewritten for MacOS. Instead of encrypting data and holding it for ransom, OSX.Dok skips the extortion and simply steals your bank...