Office 365 Reveals New Security Features

Office 365 Reveals New Security Features

Office 365 has given business owners access to online organizational programs and collaboration tools for years. In an effort to become more user-friendly, Microsoft recently added new features to Office 365, including two security upgrades and the addition of...
Outlook Update Enhances User Experience

Outlook Update Enhances User Experience

As far as communication goes, there are numerous factors to consider, especially when that communication is done online rather than in person. Since its inception, Microsoft Outlook has always been an excellent communication tool. And now, with its recent update, it...
New Intelligent Feature Coming to Office 365

New Intelligent Feature Coming to Office 365

Every day we see more and more machine learning making its way into our lives. From phones and watches to computers and laptops, it’s hard to do anything in the world today without interacting with ‘intelligent’ computers. Well, Office 365 has taken things to a...
Updated Office 365 Works with Guests

Updated Office 365 Works with Guests

The cloud has made it easier for people, businesses, and companies to interact and collaborate. And one of the best productivity tools on the market is Microsoft Office 365, which is making it even simpler to store, organize and share files online. Thanks to its...
Mental Shifts to Make Before Cloud Migration

Mental Shifts to Make Before Cloud Migration

Productivity, collaboration, freedom. These words are often touted when the benefits cloud technology are mentioned. But do all businesses that make the cloud switch achieve these? Unfortunately, the answer is no. Some businesses flounder in the new technology, and...