iPhone Office apps receive useful updates

iPhone Office apps receive useful updates

For a long stretch of time, the relationship between Apple’s iPhone and Microsoft’s Office suite wasn’t great. The screen was too cramped for efficient document-creation and the processors were too slow to support the multitude of functions. Fast forward to present...
Four New Android Core Features

Four New Android Core Features

Google has announced another batch of features coming to your Android phone, possibly as soon as next month. Although some of the items are simple and subtle integrations and others are far more grandiose, they’re all going to drastically improve the performance of...
Should you upgrade to iOS 9?

Should you upgrade to iOS 9?

Apple’s iOS 9 has been available for download for nearly two months now. If you have yet to upgrade, you may wonder whether or not you should. Not everyone has been happy with the new OS, and Apple is still working out the kinks. So if you’re on the fence as to...

Beware of Bogus Microsoft Update Emails!

In the last few days, I have received this email to alert me of a critical Microsoft Outlook update. If you have received this email, or one like it, DO NOT CLICK THE LINK IN THIS EMAIL! Although the link in this email appears to be a link to the Microsoft update...