Serverless Computing Explained

Serverless Computing Explained

Thanks to economies of scale, cloud computing resources are cheaper and more stable than those on a local area network. However, the cloud is still made up of servers that require expert configuration. Serverless computing is one way to reduce management burdens....
How Do Idle Virtual Machines (VM) Cost SMBs

How Do Idle Virtual Machines (VM) Cost SMBs

Thanks to virtualization software, the time it takes to bring virtual machines (VMs) online is faster than ever. You could deploy a fleet of them in minutes. But, as with most technologies, there are some drawbacks. Experts say too many VMs can cause a logistical...
Virtualization Saved SMBs from Hurricanes

Virtualization Saved SMBs from Hurricanes

One of the most brutal hurricane seasons on record is coming to a close and many small businesses are already planning for the next. Regardless of your organization’s location, you need to be prepared for any kind of disaster –  natural or manmade....
Benefits of Windows and Mac Virtualization

Benefits of Windows and Mac Virtualization

A common reason for running the Windows (OS) on a Mac computer is to bypass compatibility issues. Virtualization is the only way to efficiently install OS-specific software on any machine. So, let’s go over some of the ways this solution creates synergy between the...